Psalm 5:12 “For you bless the righteous, O Lord, you cover him with favor as with a shield.”
Hold this verse close to you as you wait on God’s answer, blessing and favor. It is so easy to get discouraged if you are doing all you can and yet you are still struggling and waiting. The toughest times can also be when you are so desperate for an answer and it doesn’t seem to be coming. When those times come it is important to hang onto all you know to be righteous and true.
Continue to pray and expect God’s answers and blessing. No we don’t believe in name it and claim it but we do believe that God loves to pour out His favor and blessings on His children just as any earthly parent would.
Claim God’s blessing and favor today to get you through and give you strength. Expect His answers to be on the way and don’t settle for anything less than His best! God is working on your behalf even though you can’t see it and He will use whatever you are going through for your good if you allow HIm to. Often our greatest strength shows when we are waiting on God and it will show just how much you trust Him and how much faith you have.
Write this verse on a card and keep it with you and when you pray don’t hesitate to remind God of these words and when Satan tries to get you to believe his lies throw this verse in his face reminding him that God blesses the righteous and by the blood of Jesus you are righteous in God’s eyes. Hold your head high today and walk in the confidence that God’s best for you is on the way. The best is yet to come!
Quote: “Adversity is the first path to truth.” George Gordon Byron