Jeremiah 18:3-4 So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.
God always has another plan. So often if we make a huge mistake or someone we know does and the first thought some Christians have is that God will never use us/them again. I have seen great men of God fall and the church toss them aside as though no one else in that church had ever sinned. God is a God that is much bigger than a God with only one idea for your life! I know of men and women with unbelievable gifts that should be used to the glory of God and instead they are sitting on the sidelines feeling lost and thinking there’s no longer a godly purpose for their lives. God’s grace extends far beyond anything we can say or do and His desire is to mold you into a vessel He can use.
No matter what you have done, God wants to do something great in and through your life! No matter what that other person you know has done, God can make them beautiful again! God is always willing to rework our lives to create a masterpiece that He can use if we will just allow Him to. Whether it is you or someone else, don’t give up, God is still working. If someone you know is going through this encourage them to allow God to rework them and use them again, it may not be the way He was using them before but He will use them if they allow it. If it is you that needs that “hand up” then what are you waiting for? God isn’t through with you yet or you wouldn’t still be here. Pour your heart out to Him and ask Him to create that beautiful you in your mind again and use you to the fullest potential He created in you!
As I have said many times, one of Satan’s biggest tools is the lie and he wants you to believe God can’t use you or God can’t use that other person who fell. How much more could God accomplish if we would allow Him to show us our full potential in spite of the mistakes and detours we take in our lives! Start today and allow God to show you any area of your life that you are holding back in and let Him rework your life into that amazing godly servant He is creating you to be.
Quote: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt