Got Wisdom?!

by | Feb 14, 2023

James 1:5, Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it will be given to him.

Ever have those moments when you are facing something and you need to make a decision and you just aren’t sure what to do?  First of all, it is rarely a good idea to make a snap decision about anything and it is very rare for that to be absolutely necessary, so if you are feeling like you have to make a decision right this minute stop for a second and make sure that it is really that urgent.  If you do then ask God, always ask God for His wisdom whether you need to make that decision right now or you have some time ~ ask God for His direction and His wisdom because He has promised to give it to you!  Believe me, it will save you a lot of heartache and trouble down the road.

One area that I really believe we need to ask God for wisdom more often is to understand and discern the truth about what we are being taught or told.  If what someone is telling you does not line up with scripture then you know it isn’t from God.  I came across a video of a woman teaching the other day and in the beginning, she sounded spot on but the more I listened to her I realized that her teaching does not line up with the word of God at all.  As the Bible says, there are a lot of false teachers out there and they are really good at luring people in by saying things that hurting people want to hear.  Be careful!  Hard times come to all of us in different ways and on different levels and God sometimes allows those times to teach us or to help us grow.  Dig into the word of God!  Make sure anyone you are listening to or that you read also lines up with the word of God.  Ask God for His wisdom!  Ask Him to help you know what you can learn from your situation that will help you become more like Him!

If we all learn to ask Him for His wisdom more and we don’t just bolt into things our lives will be so much better on every level!  He is offering you wisdom today ~ grab onto all you can get!!!  You can never have too much Godly wisdom for any situation!  Look for ways to know Him more and for ways that He can use you to be that light to all those around you!

Quote:  “It’s in the struggle itself that you define yourself.”  ~ Pat Buchanan