1 Kings 17: 5-7 So he went and did according to the word of the Lord. He went and lived by the brook Cherith that is east of Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, an he drank from the brook. And after a while the brook dried up because there was no rain in the land.
Elijah had told the king that it wasn’t going to rain in the land because of how evil he was and God sent Elijah to live by a brook and told him He would take care of him. Elijah obeyed without questioning it and God fed Him and gave him the water from the brook to drink. In the midst of his obedience though the brook dried up! Has your brook dried up?
Have you reached that point where you have been obedient and all of a sudden you are wondering if you are doing the right thing because your circumstances are screaming that you aren’t? I have been in that situation where you feel as though you have been following God and then something happens that causes you to question yourself. Instead of dwelling on your issues at hand take the time to be still and listen to God’s voice so you know what is next. Elijah didn’t sit around ranting because the brook dried up he listened to where God wanted him to go next and God sent him to the widow woman so she could take care of him.
God is always working and moving in our lives and He has prepared the road ahead for you. Don’t worry about tomorrow, don’t try to take care of tomorrow’s challenges today, focus on today and all the good God has in store for you to show Himself mighty today in your life. God is good, always good and He loves you and His plan for your life is perfect if you will trust Him.
Stop for a moment and pray that God will give you all that you need to get through today including His peace about tomorrow. Pray that He will give you the strength and the quiet confidence that He is with you and will continue to provide on every level. Trust HIm to move you in the ways He needs to move you and you will find that the best is truly yet to come!
Quote: “Adversity is the first path to truth.” George Gordon Byron