Psalm 147:11. The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Have you lost hope for your situation? Are you feeling as though things are just never going to change and this is how things will always be?
I would like to encourage you today to put your hope in His unfailing love! God loves you! You cannot base His love on how you feel right now, you have to base His unfailing love on the Word of God! Believe me, I am very familiar with life becoming so overwhelming that you feel as though you have been trampled and buried and there’s just not much hope in the natural for anything ever being good again, but there’s always hope when you ground your hope in His love for you!
God created you and He loves you dearly! God is active every day in some way in our lives we are just way too consumed with everything else in life to see it half the time! Ask Him to show you all that He is doing today to work in your life! Look for Him in the little things in life, maybe a brilliant sunset, or the kindness of a stranger, an unexpected blessing. Whatever it may be, look for Him and ask Him to show you what He is doing today that is just for you! Spend time in His word! Look for the little things to encourage you today!
I have a new book that will be released soon and this is actually the theme! It is a 90 day devotional on Faith, Hope, and Love that is titled, “The Greatest of These” because if we can fully grasp the Love of God for us it will build our Hope and Faith in Him! It is vital to our walk with God to build our faith and hope in Him! The Bible says, in Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” We must have Hope in order to have faith and our hope rests in the knowledge and understanding of the fullness of His love for us!
Whatever you are facing today, He knows and He cares and nothing is impossible with Him! Put your hope and trust in Him! Ask Him to help you understand His love for you! Ask Him to help you truly personalize your relationship with Him instead of just thinking about God loving everyone, which He truly does, accept the fact that He loves You! God is jealous over you! He loves you and He wants a closer walk with You! Don’t miss out on another moment! Dive in and ask Him to show you today how you can have a closer relationship with Him. He loves you and He has a plan for your life so why not get started on it today by spending more time with Him and allowing Him to fill you with His hope and love for you! The best is yet to come when you are walking closely with Him!
Quote: “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the presence of hope.” ~ Chad Whitmeyer
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