He Has Heard Your Prayer

by | Aug 18, 2013

2 Kings 20:5b  “I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears; behold I will heal thee:  on the third day.”

He hears you, he cares, He will take care of it!  Some of you really need to hear that today I am sure, I know I do.  He has heard your prayer and knows every tear you have cried over this and He will take care of it!

Sometimes we just need to believe, we have not because we don’t ask and sometimes because we just ask and ask but don’t really believe He will come through.  I have felt for days as though I was supposed to write this Bible study but hesitated because I tend to steer clear of anything that can be construed as “name it and claim it” but that isn’t what this is.  When you read a verse like this or maybe a Bible study you know in your heart when it is for you!  It isn’t from me only God can speak directly to your heart and if those words, “I have heard your prayer” stirred something in you then you know it to be true.

Faith is so important in every area of your life.  When I moved to TN and the men who interviewed me for the job with Dawson McAllister told me that my paycheck was based on the faith that enough people would give that we wouldn’t miss payroll I told them I had been a single Mom for 13 years and everything was by faith.  It doesn’t matter what job you have, it could end tomorrow and yet if you don’t have a job you may have one tomorrow so it is really all in God’s hands we don’t really control anything, not even our breathing.  So, what’s not to trust?  God loves us and cares more deeply than we can imagine and He has heard you, He will take care of it!

If you are struggling in your faith today then do as the man did in Matthew 9:24 did and tell God:  Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”  Trust God today, give it all to Him whatever your “all” is and know in your heart that He will take care of it!

Quote:  “The highest point of achievement yesterday is the starting point of today.”

1 Comment

  1. Valerie Sauer

    I haven’t been receiving my Daily emails since Aug 19,2013. Has something changed on my subscription


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