2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
Asa the King of Judah had relied on God in his battles up to this point but then he decided to ask another king to help him fight his battles instead of praying and asking God. Worse than that, when he was confronted by Hanani, the seer, he didn’t ask to be forgiven, he just got angry and rebelled even more.
Are you fully relying on God for all that you are facing or may face? He wants to be your strength! He wants to be your defender and rescuer! I’m not saying we should never seek help. There are measures and steps we need to take in most cases, but when you are facing something that is beyond you, who is your “go to guy”? Do you run to the Lord and trust that He will see you through, or do you have someone or something else that you are trusting in?
The comforting thing to me in this verse is that God is looking for people whose hearts are fully trusting and committed to Him so He can strengthen them. In this case, He wanted to fight for Asa and Judah. He wanted to be their ‘Knight in shining armor’. They had relied on Him in the past and He had defended them against overwhelming odds. The army they had faced was way beyond their abilities and yet God intervened and not only strengthened them but delivered their enemy into their hand and gave them the spoil from the battle! Don’t miss out on the blessings God has in store for you because you are trying to find your answers somewhere else. He wants to show Himself mighty in your life! He wants you to be fully committed to Him! He wants to walk through life with you and experience every bit of it with you! He loves you and He sees and He cares, but He is a gentleman and He will not force His way in to help.
Trust Him! I know it’s difficult if you have been waiting and waiting and there still seems to be 0 answers, but He Who has promised is faithful! Stand your ground in your faith. Guard your heart and mind against the lies satan wants to throw at you and know that He will strengthen and deliver exactly what He has promised! Hold on to Him today knowing that He will see His plan for your life through and truly His best is yet to come when you are by His side!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg
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