Daniel 3:29b
“…..for there is no other god who is able to rescue in this way.”
King Nebuchadnezzar had thrown Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace and when they came out unharmed he recognized that God is the one and only true God and the only one who can rescue His people from anything!
What is it that you need rescued from today? Do you or someone you love need healing? Do you need to be rescued from a bad situation at work or in your marriage? Do you need to be rescued from a lack of finances? What is it today that has you feeling trapped or has maybe robbed you of any hope of things getting better?
God is the one and only God of all Hope! He is our mighty deliverer! He loves you and cares about everything, good and bad that happens in your life! God wants you to trust Him, just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did. They told King Nebuchadnezzar that they knew that God could deliver them, but either way, whether God delivered them or not, they were not going to bow down to his golden image he created.
Trust God today to show you the path He has for you! Trust Him to give you the wisdom you need for your situation and to deliver you in His time! As it says in Job 23:10, “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” He knows where you are, He knows where you are headed and if you allow Him to, He will bring you out of this to the other side, Stronger and Purified, ready to serve on a whole new level! He loves you ~ trust Him to rescue and deliver you! The best is yet to come!
“Without hope, people are only half alive. With hope they dream and think and work.” Charles Sawyer
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Dear Janet,
Wonderful message… love the passage you quoted from Job – what an awesome reminder! (I cannot even imagine all that Job went through – and he was still able to trust God)
God bless you and thank you so much for your amazing ministry & service for the Lord