1 Samuel 26:23-25 “The Lord rewards every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness, for the Lord gave you into my hand today, and I would not put out my hand against the Lord’s anointed. Behold as your life was precious this day in my sight, so may my life be precious in the sight of the Lord, and may he deliver me out of all tribulation.” Then Saul said to David, “Blessed be you my son David! You will do many things and will succeed in them.” So David went his way, and Saul returned to his place.
King Saul pursued David to kill him because he was jealous knowing that David had God’s favor on his life because he followed him. It was a good thing for Saul that David was such a man of God because this was not the first time he could have killed Saul. No matter what King Saul did David honored God with his behavior toward him. God protected David and blessed him for His faithfulness.
At some point and time each of us has had someone in our lives that just seems to do all they can to torment us or make our lives miserable whether it is a boss, or in-law or spouse or maybe even a “friend”. We are not responsible for others behaviors and attitudes but we are called to maintain a godly attitude regardless. God often allows situations and people into our lives during a growing season to better prepare us for our future. That doesn’t mean things are going to get worse it most often means we are learning perseverance or patience with others and quite often graciousness. God will give you all the grace you need for your situation if you rest in Him. Don’t try to handle it alone! God’s plan for your future is great but there are always lessons to learn along the way.
If you are struggling with someone or something to the degree that you just feel you can’t take it any more ask God today to give you wisdom for your situation. Ask Him to give you the strength and grace to make it one more day and for the wisdom to handle things in a way that would bring honor and glory to Him. God will deliver you and He will grow you into the godly woman you are called to be through this! The best is yet to come so tie a knot at the “end of your rope” and hang on!
Quote: “It’s not the things you get but the hearts you touch that will determine your success in life.” Simple Truths
My husband, a pastor, is going through this exact trial with a husband and wife who are on his board. Now that combination in itself shouldn’t happen on a board. Due to “blurred lines” in this church how ever there are lots of things that need to be challenged as we are finding out since we are rather new, When the 2 board members stated that the Bible was irrelevant to how they selected leaders he had to confront them . They denied that is what they said but the other board members insisted that that was indeed what they said. The church is full of people committed to God and doing what they “think” is the right thing but some times lacks Biblical understanding. The 2 board members kept insisting that wasn’t what they meant and yet when it came to finally laying the Biblical qualifications to determine on coming board leaders they kept referring to what they though negating the Bible’s qualifications for leadership. Of course we are gracious with these 2 people but he never backed down on the truth. Even at that point he had to say very insistently and repeatedly “I do not care what you think, I want what God’s word states what we are to do”. Because of lack of leadership in the past our church has traded truth for graciousness . Now we have a “strong hold of control” where these same 2 people are insisting it is their church and others who disagree cringe but do not confront. I believe that God worked through my husband in that instance but He (God)
will need to keep pruning us and it will not be easy. I pray for my husband because he must continue to rely on God and do and say what needs to be up held, TRUTH!
I will be praying that God will give you and your husband the wisdom and strength you need to lead the people of your church and that God will work in their hearts and lives to see the truth.