How Much Hair Do You Have?

by | Jul 19, 2014

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Luke 12: 6-7
Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.

I have no idea what you may be facing today but God does and He knows every single detail about it and every detail matters to Him. He knows every tear you have cried and He cares deeply! To me, it brings great comfort to know that I am of value to God. Sometimes we get so caught up in the idea that there are so many people that God is too busy for us and that is just not true on any level. If He cares and has time for a sparrow dying then He certainly has time for you! He actually cares more about you than you do yourself, that is why He wants you to follow Him so you can have His best!

To think He even knows the number of hairs on your head, for me that seems to change daily…… if there’s a little stress or hormones then there goes my hair, one week it can be so thin and then it’s all back before I know it so it is ever changing, We can’t all be like my husbands friend Dave who makes it easy on God by not having any hair at all and he looks great that way, I am thinking I need my hairs numbered instead. The point is God cares about those little tiny details in your life so why would you ever feel as though He doesn’t care about the bigger things? He is never too busy for you and for what you are facing and He wants to help you and guide you through.

I have many decisions to make it seems lately and my prayer this morning was that God would guide me in such a way that I don’t make a mistake. We can know if we pray prayers like that, that God will show up and He will guide us so we can follow Him because He cares deeply about where you are headed and what you will face down the road.

Don’t be discouraged, God cares and He wants to fill you with His hope for all you face. He wants to comfort you by showing you that you are of great value to Him. He created you to be special and just the way you are so you can serve Him as you grow in Him! Hold on to your faith, knowing that you are of great value and He sees and cares. The best is yet to come!

“Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow.” Norman Vincent Peale