Galatians 1:27-28
“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”
Some people only want enough of Jesus to stay out of Hell and not enough to walk in victory! What are you after today? Is it enough for you to just know that you are saved by Jesus death on the cross and you like your life just the way it is really, not too much hype on the whole Christianity thing and yet not some horrible life of sin either? Are you “comfortable” where you are in your walk with God or do you want more?
Our ultimate goal in life ought to be to have all of Jesus we can get, all the wisdom, power, kindness, love, grace and mercy. We should want to be as grown up in Him as we can get. If you look at Spiritual growth as you look at Physical/Mental growth, think about how much more you can do now as an adult than you could when you were just a baby! You have the capability to achieve more and lead others on many levels, there is just no comparison, isn’t that what you want for your Spiritual life as well?
The more mature we become in Christ the more victory we have in our lives. The more mature you are the easier it is to avoid old habits and sins, the easier it is to take a stand for what is right and know why it is right! The confidence of a mature Christian and the ability they have to lead others is vastly different than a baby in Christ naturally but the question is; are you a babe in Christ by choice or time? Some people choose to remain infants, how sad is that?
The only way to grow in Him is to pursue Him and allow Him to teach you on a daily basis. You can learn something from every experience you have in life if you will just give yourself totally over to Him and His will for your life. Don’t hold anything back! Study your Bible, ask God to give you such an overwhelming desire to study that you just can’t get enough of Him and His word. Trust me, you may start slow but the more you read your Bible the more you will want to read it! My prayer for each of you today is for God to be able to show you an area that He can walk with you in to bring you to the maturity in Him that He created you to have so you can be all He has created you to be!
“The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it and the faith to believe it’s possible.” Rich Devos
You know I think that if we put God first in everything that we do in our life our life would be better but the thing is that people are soo selfish that they cant get past the idea of what can God do for me next and what can I get out of God rather than actually serving him whole heartily. what people also seem to forget is that victory that you were talking about comes when we serve God and so does maturity but also as a human race we need to strive to grow in each of our life and it is essential that we grow in God first and then we will see the grown in other aspect of our life.