How Willing Are You To Let Him Guide You

by | Feb 25, 2021

Proverbs 3:5-7,  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.  Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil.

Wow!  There’s a lot in those three verses.  Let’s start with trust.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and don’t lean on your understanding.”  If there’s one thing I have had to learn it is that I have no clue why God allows some things in our lives that make absolutely no sense, humanly speaking.  I don’t know why some great people die and wicked people live, but I do know that He knows and that is what I have to trust.  I know that He is good all the time and we live in a world full of heartache and pain, thanks to satan, and God sees you and He cares about you and He has a plan, but you must follow Him in order to achieve it.  He doesn’t force His plan on us, He offers it.

We have become too complacent.  Every generation has relaxed a little bit more than the one before it until satan has more than just a foot in our doors and he is wreaking havoc and he needs to be told to stop and get out.  Boundaries in your marriage should be something that comes naturally and they should be something that you highly desire to protect that person and marriage that you are supposed to cherish. Boundaries shouldn’t seem like work or drudgery.  Things like, not having lunch or private meetings with the opposite sex, not going to a friend of the opposite sex to complain about your spouse, I could go on, but that’s a great place to start.  If you pray about boundaries in your life, whether you are married or not, God will be happy to guide you!  Take a good look around at your family and in your house.  What are you allowing in your house, whether on the tv, or music, or what you are reading?  Do they honor God or are they giving an opportunity to satan to get his foot in the door with you or your family?  Raise the bar!  Ask God to show you what may need to go and what maybe you should add.  One thing you could consider adding is making sure that you are reading your Bible every day.  If you are married, start having daily devotions and prayer with your spouse and with your children.  If that seems like a lot, start with a verse.  When I was little my parents had this little holder that held cards with verses on them.  There was just one verse on each card and every night after dinner we couldn’t leave the table until the verse was read.  Seems really insignificant, but I can tell you that it made the Bible very important to me.  In fact, even when I went through rebellious stages in my life, I made myself read at least one verse every day and half the time I would cry all the way through it.  As you can imagine, you can’t rebel forever if you are reading the Word of God ~ even just one verse.  Keep Joshua 1:8 in your mind; “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” 

Don’t lean on what you may think you know (your own understanding), seek God and spend time in prayer and in His Word.  Trust Him when you don’t understand, knowing that He loves you and He still has a plan for your life if you will just seek Him.  Trust Him, and Love Him, and honor Him because of Who He is and get rid of anything in your life that doesn’t honor Him so He is the one with the foot in the door in your house!  

Quote:  “Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.”  ~ James Allen, As A Man Thinketh