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Jeremiah 18:4
And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make.
Is your heart and attitude moldable or just moldy? God has a plan just as the potter has a plan the difference is the clay doesn’t have an attitude. God would like to mold you into a beautiful vessel that He can use in incredible ways but you must have a moldable heart and attitude. God will not force anyone to do His will, He gives us a free choice but the only way to truly be used of God is to allow Him to mold us into all that He creates us to be.
If you have been marred like the vessel in this verse you can rest assured that He can still mold you into something beautiful. God always has a plan and a vision for your life so you can trust that He isn’t finished with you yet! The first thing you need to do is to pray for Him to help you be the moldable clay He needs you to be and for Him to make whatever changes need to be made in your life to accomplish that.
A good verse for each of us to start with each day is: Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast Spirit within me.” If we can begin our day with the right attitude it is amazing how much better our days go. God can do so much more with someone with a right Spirit and clean heart than He can someone who chooses to be grumpy and negative. Seriously ladies how well does your day go when you choose to wallow in your grumpy mood? I hate those days when it takes everything I can muster including praise and worship music, chocolate, prayer, chocolate, talking with good godly friends and maybe even some chocolate and that all comes after I have spent time reading my Bible and praying for God to change my attitude because for some unknown reason I just feel grumpy. Those days come to all of us but it is when we live a lifestyle with that attitude day after day after day that stops the hand of God in our life. It is when we choose to do our own thing and have our own attitude that God can get to the point where He just takes His hands off the clay of our lives and allows us to become the mess we choose to be. Trust me, you don’t want to go there – it is a dark lonely place.
Give yourself over to God today, let all of the “stuff” go that has you weighed down and grumpy or frustrated. Allow Him to create a clean heart and a right Spirit in you so you can be all He created you to be! Allow Him to make your life beautiful. Rest in HIm and let HIm do the work for a while – molding you into something amazing! The best is yet to come!
“First we make our attitudes. Then our attitudes make us.” Dennis Waitley