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Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.
This verse is my prayer for each of you today!
Everywhere you turn there seems to be more news of more turmoil on the earth! If it isn’t weather related or fires burning out of control, or earthquakes, it is people who go crazy and kill masses of other people! Even in our every day lives, it seems that infidelity in marriage, financial issues and struggles and even addictions (often brought on by not being able to handle the every day stresses thrown at them) are all out of control. Where can we find hope, peace or joy in the midst of all of it? How do we keep from not “losing it” ourselves?
The stronger the storm rages around you the more focused you have to become! You must set your eyes on Him or you will lose the ability to do what you need to do. Is that an easy task? Absolutely not! I am hear to say, first hand, that it is very difficult when your heart is being wrenched out of your chest and/or your finances seem to be about as challenging to get under control as one of those games where you stand in a small inclosed area and money blows all around and you are supposed to catch as much as you can, or your children are rebelling or the grief you are facing is totally consuming you, or maybe you feel as though you will never get control over that addiction! I get it! But, the more it hurts, the more difficult it is ~ the more you need to focus on Him and Him alone! He will show up! He will heal! He will guide you and give you strength! He can give you your hope and joy back!
Rejoice today in the fact that He will help you and heal you! Take refuge in Him today! Take your eyes off the storm! Truly the best is yet to come!
“Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” Adrian Rogers