Is Your Life Making A Positive Difference

by | Mar 29, 2018

2 Corinthians 5:21
God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

If what you believe doesn’t change the way you live then obviously, it doesn’t really matter! We are called to be more like Him! If you are a true follower of Christ, then your desire should be to be more and more like Him! Never settle for where you are because God has so much more in store for you!

I have found myself beyond frustrated lately with all of the men and women who are cheating on their spouses! What on earth? I’m sorry but you don’t ever have an excuse to cheat! Ever! You will never be able to stand before God one day and say, “but he/she did or said……. so I found someone who cared”. No! God is not going to give you a free pass to cheat! If you are struggling in your marriage, insist on counseling and find a godly one! If your spouse refuses to go, get counsel for yourself! Whatever you do, seek God, don’t look for another person of the opposite sex to fill the role that is reserved for your spouse!

When you are at work, ask God to give you the strength to be the godly woman He created you to be! Ask Him to give you the wisdom you need to deal with any difficult people you struggle with, don’t stoop to their level. Be the light they need to see their way to Him!

Strive to make your home a place that is a haven from the world. Pray and ask God for His wisdom in how to make your home the safe place it needs to be for you, your spouse and your children! Your home needs to be that place that your family can hardly wait to get back to after being out in the world. The more of God there is in your home, the more peace and contentment you will find there! All the “stuff” in the world won’t make you happy if God isn’t there!

Start today and seek God and His righteousness! Ask Him to guide you in all that you do so you will reflect all of who He is so others are drawn to Him! He loves you so much and He has so much in store for you if you will just allow more of Him in to your life! The best is yet to come when you follow His lead!

“May it be said, when the sun sets on your life, you made a difference.” ~ Simple Truths,

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I want to share with you an addition to Chocolate and God:  We now have a new way to be able to support Chocolate and God and receive beautiful jewelry at the same time!  A lot of our jewelry can be personalized with Monograms, or your favorite verse or quotes or names!  Please check out our catalogs by clicking here     WE ARE TRYING TO RAISE SOME MONEY FOR OTHER PROJECTS WE HAVE FOR CHOCOLATE AND GOD, SO PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE CATALOGS AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.