Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
It is your reasonable service. We often seem to need a huge pat on the back to do the smallest of things like treat people with the love of Christ, give to the poor, offer to help in areas that need help in church, reach out to that elderly neighbor or single parent. If we truly want to be more like Jesus then we need to ask Him to give us His heart for what means the most to Him. When it is difficult to do the most simple of things like love others enough to reach out without thinking about it then how do we ever expect Him to use us on a bigger scale?
If your focus is you instead of Christ then it will be difficult to truly serve others with the attitude and love that is needed to show God’s love. The amazing thing about self – centeredness is that when our focus is on ourselves that means we are missing out on what God has for us which ultimately means that we are missing out on God’s best and we are just settling for what good we can bring to ourselves. When you constantly want the attention of others to be on you instead of your behaviors bringing attention to God, you are missing out! There is no substitute for giving God the glory for all you do and allowing Him to bless your life accordingly. You truly have nothing to offer yourself that can compare to all God has in store for you if you will just turn all of your attention to Him and take it off you! The attention of people will never satisfy that void in your life and self esteem, the void is only filled by knowing who you are in Christ and allowing Him to fill you with all you need.
Once we have grown beyond a “reasonable” service to God it opens up a whole new world of ways He can use us. The more we present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice willing to be and do all He asks the more we grow spiritually and the more we can be used to make a difference.
God loves us more than we can possibly comprehend and He is always wanting His best for us all He asks is that we give our all to Him without holding anything back! Ask Him today if you are withholding an area of your life from Him that you need to surrender. Serve Him to the best of your abilities that He has placed within you and seek to have His name glorified in all you do today.
Quote: “I expect to pass through this life but once. If, therefore, there can be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not return this way again.” William Penn