Ladies Bible Study Friday, February 24th

by | Feb 24, 2012

Job 10:12  You have granted me life and favor, and Your providence has preserved my spirit.

Today I am choosing to embark on a new journey and I am inviting you to come along.  I am going to do my very best to start speaking what my life should and could be not necessarily what it is.  I am not saying that I am claiming that God is going to give me a Maserati and poof it’s in the driveway, I DO still live in reality.

What I am saying is that instead of speaking defeat over my life when things are rough or I don’t feel good, I am going to start claiming victory!  The mind is a powerful thing and so is believing God for His goodness.  Does that mean I expect everything to just be coming up roses?  No, but it does mean I am NOT going to be the “victim”, I am going to have the attitude of the victor!

I have said before, “if mamma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy, so if nothing else, how nice would it be around the house if everyone took on a more positive attitude?  Your children are saying, “you know what? I CAN get an A in that class!” or “I will find a good job” and your husband saying, “I AM able to do the dishes!”  Oh, sorry, that might have been outside of reality, see that could be an example (where some men are concerned) of “name it and claim it” and that is NOT what I am suggesting!

Seriously!  What I am saying is that when we speak positive things over our children and husbands and especially ourselves we are claiming victory over our lives and theirs!  Let me ask you this; Do you jump to hang around or help someone out who is always gloom and doom or has a poor me attitude?  Well, maybe God gets tired of it too!  In Mark 9:19 Jesus is talking and he says, “Oh faithless generation, how long shall I be with you?  How long shall I bear with you?”  He was sick of their doubt and lack of faith!

What do we have to lose?  Without faith it is impossible to please God so to start speaking in faith and victory we are pleasing God and we are pushing for him to act on our behalf!  Without faith there isn’t a whole lot of hope, so why not start today and give it a try?

Quote:  “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”  – Chinese Proverb


  1. Ana Ellis

    I just came across this. Apparently it is a daily devotional? I look forward to spending time every day reading them. Thank you for the encouraging words of wisdom.

    • admin


      Indeed it is. Also, recipes, books ladies love to read etc… A great community for ladies to walk out their faith. Thanks for joining us!

  2. Meredith Bradshaw

    About a year ago, I had a Sunday School lesson about how you are your words. Since putting speaking positivity into practice, I have noticed a change in my overall outlook and attitude and have found more inner joy through this. God doesn’t want us to be discouraged or a discouragement to others!

    Thank you so much for your website and devotionals!

    • admin

      Thank you for sharing Meredith!!! Have a great weekend!