Psalm 18:23
I was blameless before him, and I kept myself from my guilt.
Over the years Bill and I have both had several opportunities to talk to people about forgiving. Forgiving others can be so freeing and it is necessary for healing and growth in your own life. But now, God is working on both of us on a new level of this process, let me explain:
Do you have a situation where maybe you were wronged on some level and yet there seems to still be something that is holding you back? Before I go any further let me also clarify that this is not something that in my mind would fit in situations of abuse and you will understand as I explain whether or not this fits your situation or not. I went through a time in my life where I felt misunderstood, lied about, people close to me believed the lies instead of seeking truth and I could go on and on with how I perceived the situation and how hurt I was but I thought that it was all ok after a few years because I had “forgiven” everyone. Guess what, that’s not enough!
While I felt good about myself and somewhat ok with the situation I was neglecting to acknowledge that they weren’t ok. There was still a strain on relationships that needed to be healed and God impressed on me that I, yes I said I, needed to ask for forgiveness and it was very clear that I was not to defend myself or expect anything in return, I just needed to take responsibility for where I was wrong and for any hurt I may have caused. I cannot tell you how difficult it was at first to think of doing that and God and I went around a few times when I would say, “but can’t I just explain why…….” And He made it very clear, “NO”. Just take responsibility for where you were wrong and nothing else. If Jesus didn’t defend himself then why should I be able to, he really had nothing to be sorry for and I did whether I liked it or not!
Take a good look at your life and any strained relationships you may have and ask God to reveal to you anything you need to take responsibility for and ask someone to forgive you. I cannot even begin to explain the load that came off my shoulders after I obeyed and the healing God has brought to my own heart and to relationships that mean so much to me! Don’t hold back because of pride or what you feel you may deserve even if you are right, you may find you have more to be sorry for than you realized and better yet you may find the healing you have been longing for! Don’t prolong the pain, do it today!
Quote: “Whether you think you can, or think you cannot….. you are right.” Henry Ford