Ladies Bible Study Monday, April 18

by | Apr 18, 2011

Joshua 1:8

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein:  for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Everyone seems to have different answers for success these days.  Some people say just believe and if you just focus and believe hard enough then it will magically appear.  Yeah, right.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a very optimistic person my cup is almost always ¾ full BUT, there is so much more to faith and to God than that!  Then you have others that will push for you to think that no one else matters, just push your way to the top.  And then there are those people who figure you just have to accept where you are and never expect God to do any more for you than what you already have or what you were raised with. 

That is what I love about this verse!  It is cut and dry and very simple:  Meditate on God’s word (spend time in it) and do what it says and then you will have a prosperous and successful life.  Now, the other key is, what do you call prosperous and successful?  There are so many definitions for both of those words, the key is – what is the will of God for your life?!  When you figure that out and God blesses you in whatever that is, you will know you have a prosperous and successful life.  For some that may be being a stay at home Mom and wife and creating a peaceful Godly atmosphere in your home, for others there are careers or ministry, maybe for right now it is going back to school.  People have a habit of saying when they are in ministry that they have the “call of God” on their life and they do but let me tell you, no matter what it is you do if you are in the will of God, you have the call of God on your life.  No one job or position is any more important than where you are called to be!  There is no more success on earth than to know you are in the perfect will of God!

Quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson