Luke 2:12 “And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
Christmas will soon be here and most everyone I know will be spending this week getting ready for the “big day” on Sunday. Some will be traveling and some will have travelers come to their home, but stop today as you make your plans and answer this question: What are you doing with Jesus on Sunday? We were out with some friends for dinner the other night and they were telling us that someone asked their pastor if they were actually going to have church on Christmas day since it falls on Sunday this year. Praise God, the preachers response was, “of course we are – it isn’t YOUR birthday!” I have to admit I found the story humorous until I thought about the fact that it is true there are churches that won’t have church on Sunday because it is the Lord’s birthday and there are people who won’t be out of town but will choose to stay home as well because “it’s Christmas”. Does that really make sense?
This time of year can be crazy with all of the preparations but let’s not forget the real reason we are celebrating! Jesus deserves our love, adoration and time as we celebrate His birth. Leaving Him out is like having your birthday party where everyone gets a gift and they all go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday, but you birthday girl are not invited! How strange would that seem and yet it is done all of the time this time of year to Him. Let’s do our absolute best to keep Jesus our focus this year and include HIm in all of our plans. Let’s take the time to honor Him with our praise and our time this Christmas!
“When you have a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself a choice.” William James