Psalm 118: 24
This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
What a familiar and wonderful verse but let’s think a little deeper even; to God you are more important than all the days He has created! You are His treasure and His pride and joy! Now I know we all have our days where the last thing we feel like is anyone’s pride and joy let alone God’s whether it is because we physically don’t feel good or we have done something we know we shouldn’t have but the fact remains the same; God delights in you and the fact that He has created you!
Rise and shine this morning and be glad for the day but get even more excited today knowing that you have what it takes! Whatever God has called you to do He has equipped you to do it! God is forever fine tuning us and moving us in new directions to take us to places we would never be otherwise. I remember a song that I use to sing with my children when they were little “He’s still working on me” and guess what I know He is STILL working on me and it’s not always easy, sometimes it seems down right painful, but I know that when we get to the other side the view is amazing!
You are an incredible creation; don’t ever let anyone make you believe less! God has created you for a purpose and He wants to reveal the beauty inside if you will just allow Him to. There is only one you and God took the time to make you unique. Don’t allow Satan to speak lies of defeat to you, fill your mind with all that God has created you to be. Seek God today and ask Him to show you all the amazing qualities that you possess and start pursuing your purpose. It makes Satan’s job of getting you to believe his lies much more difficult if you are focused on what God is doing in your life instead of all the negative garbage Satan wants to weigh you down with. As it says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “You are a new creation in Christ Jesus, old things have passed away behold all things have become new.” Start living your life today agreeing with God about who you are and who He has created you to be! Today is a new day with no mistakes in it yet so what are you waiting for! Begin today living your life being all you were created to be.
Quote: “Regardless of your lot in life, you can build something beautiful on it.” Zig Ziglar