1 Kings 19:13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entering in of the cave. And behold there came a voice unto him and said, “What doest thou here Elijah?”
“I have had it; I can’t do it any more!” Do you ever feel that way? Have you gotten to the point where you just feel as though there is nothing left in you to give and you are done? That is the point Elijah was at, he felt as though he had given all to defending the name of God and now he was running for his life and he just couldn’t do it any more he just wanted to quit.
Wherever you are and whatever you are doing if you know you are doing what God has told you to do, don’t quit now! Help is on the way! When I read this chapter it strikes me how tender God is with Elijah. First he sends the angel to feed him and allows him to sleep and he gives him time to pull himself together and then quietly asks, “What are you doing here Elijah?” He doesn’t come angry and ready to discipline for Elijah’s attitude, he is ready to put Elijah back on his feet, remind him that He is still there and give him tasks to do (anoint a couple kings) and “by the way, I have someone that will come alongside and work with you so you won’t feel like you are the only one out here doing my work.”
God is good, God is ALWAYS good and He does care about what you are going through and where you are. His goal is to help you along your way. He cares when you feel as though you cannot take another step so don’t give up and quit, look for His provision to get you through to the other side. You know it can’t be done in your own strength so let go He is waiting. Listen for His quiet voice to encourage you. He is there, it may not be in some dramatic flashy way but He is there quietly waiting to revive you.
As it says in Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” Keep pressing forward, what you are waiting for is right around the corner you don’t want to give up now! Trust God, He is there and He hasn’t forgotten you! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “It’s in the struggle that you define yourself.” Pat Buchanan