Psalm 16:8
I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
Don’t let your circumstances determine your attitude and feelings about your situation. There are times in all of our lives when the present situation, whether in our relationships, finances, jobs, children etc., is really awful! The key is not to look at the circumstances surrounding you at that point and allow them to change your outlook on the BIG picture! If we set the Lord always before us and He is our focus then we can handle anything else that comes our way with the confidence that we are reacting right and making the right decisions based on Him, not what is going on around us. The stronger our focus is on God the less likely we are to sin in an ugly situation. When our focus is God, our love is stronger, our grace is stronger, our determination to do right is stronger so we can stand and not be moved in a direction we don’t really want to go. It doesn’t mean you are a doormat, it means you are stronger! Sometimes people mistake the concept of being Godly and merciful as being a weak (wimpy) person and really it is just the opposite! The more Godly you are typically the more bold and confident you are because you have a better picture of who you are in Christ. Your words are just seasoned with grace and wisdom not just emotions! So let’s try it! Focus on The Lord and let everything and everyone else fade into the background so He can set our priorities and He can set our attitudes about any situation and He can help us see all the potential and beauty locked up inside us just waiting to be released by fully knowing who we are in Christ. Truly the only way to do that is to focus on Him!
If you don’t think every day is a good one, just try missing one!
As always… You are spot on! Thank you for sharing this 🙂
I recently found both you and your husbands blogs. Becoming a BIG fan. I cannot tell you how great it is that your bible study excerpts hit so close to home. They give me (and I hope others)so much inspiration. Thanks so much.