Romans 12:4-5 For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
This is a descriptive way of saying, “hey, we are all in this together.” As Christians ladies we need to stand strong together. We don’t all have the same function, we all have different gifts from God to use for His purpose! We need to help each other figure out our spiritual gifts in life and we need to be an encouragement to each other to use those gifts to the best of our ability.
I used to tell my children all the time when they were younger that they needed to be there for each other and encourage each other because the world was going to be mean enough at times so they each needed to know that they loved each other and had each others back at all times. We all know that when you have three children in one family they couldn’t be more different and they have different ideas and priorities but I wanted them to know that they didn’t have to agree on everything but they had to have each others backs! Love stretches beyond agreeing on everything and it stretches beyond the jealousy of “I wish I had that talent or gift”. I remember receiving a couple calls from the principle who would be laughing when he called to let me know that my son or daughter had scared the fire out of another child because the child had done or said something inappropriate to one of my other children. They never hurt anyone but everyone knew that if you bothered one of them there was another child you were going to hear from. The principle was just amazed that they were so determined as siblings to protect each other. That is how we need to be as Christians!
Don’t let jealousy for what someone else is doing keep you from supporting them in it. God will bring your time to pass to do great things as well and you may need that persons support in what you are doing as well. Don’t allow a glaring fault you see in another person stop you from seeing that God is using them anyway – look at Peter (poor guy probably get’s tired of being used as an example this way) he had a terrible temper and he denied Christ, he was sort of a loose cannon, but once he fully gave himself to God after the crucifixion, God chose to use him in a mighty way to bring others to Christ. Don’t underestimate yourself or others and make sure you are not what is holding someone else back. If we truly want to be effective in our walk we need to come together and walk life together, not just as individuals but as the body of Christ. We can do so much more if we are supporting each other and praying for each other. It is a sin ladies to not pray for each other! If we know to do something right and we don’t do it, it is sin! (James 4:17)
Let’s come together and pray for one another and take a look around, what should you be doing for God that you are putting off? Ask others to pray for you. Take another look and who do you see that may just need that little bit of encouragement from you to pursue the will of God for their lives? Be the arms for someone else and lift them up to a place where they can be fully used by God, don’t let jealousy or anything else keep you from helping someone else further the cause of Christ!
Don’t wait any longer start today! God will bless you for being the woman of God you are called to be today and helping to further His cause by walking together in this! The very best is yet to come, we need to strive for it together!
Quote: “if you would lift me up you must be on higher ground.” Ralph Waldo Emerson