Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!
In other words ~ Get your hands off it, whether it’s your finances, your husbands throat, your mess at work, your children who have gone a different direction, whatever it is, just “Be Still” for a moment and know that God is God and He can and will handle it all if you will just get out of His way!
I have really had to learn and am still learning to stop with the attitude of, ‘I can do it myself’, or ‘just let me help you here a second God, I think maybe I can fix him’. When I would get done “trying to help” I would find I was overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted and the mess was usually bigger than it was before! Yup, God sure needed my help. (Obviously not)
There are times God does expect us to help and reach out but we really need to be sure He is calling us to do something because there are so many times that He just wants us to “Be Still” and focus on Him. It is so important to ask for God’s direction in all we do versus jumping in assuming we are the answer!
If you are facing a mountain that seems overwhelming just stop and know that it is a small thing for God to be able to handle and if we allow Him to guide us and handle it all He will get the glory for all that He does. There is no use worrying about something you can do nothing about. Spend your time in prayer and seek God with your whole heart by spending time in His word and surrounding yourself with praise and worship music.
God always has a plan, nothing takes Him by surprise so it is always best to just wait on Him to guide you when you don’t know what to do, just be still and wait on Him. The best is yet to come!
“It’s not the things you get but the hearts you touch that will determine your success in life.