Please take the time to pray for these prayer requests and share yours with us as well, so we can pray: CLICK HERE
1 Samuel 2:12
Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord.
Somewhere along the line Eli must have become complacent in his calling. He was a priest and yet his sons didn’t know the Lord. They were rebellious men and all Eli did was scold them a little but that wasn’t enough.
How long have you been doing what you are doing? Do you still have that excitement and drive that you had when you first began? (This isn’t just for people in “ministry”, no matter where you are or what you do, if it is what God has given you to do, it is His ministry for you to do it with all your heart. We all have different gifts and talents given to us by God and we are all called to use those to the best of our abilities to glorify Him.)
Eli grew up in the priesthood and somewhere along the line it became, just another day at the “shop” and He missed out on one of his greatest ministry opportunities, teaching His sons about the Lord!
It is easy after you have done something for a long time to lose your excitement for it. Why is that? Often when you do something for a long time, you get in a rut for how you do it and well, you can end up with the mentality of “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” and that is when you miss out on listening for the vision of God for what you are doing! No matter what you have done or how long you have done it, you shouldn’t close yourself off from hearing that maybe there is a new way that God is trying to show you! In fact, you should be seeking Him and listening to Him so you can be all He has created you to be. If you are bored or complacent in what you are doing, maybe it is simply that you haven’t been seeking God’s vision for it! Remember Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision the people perish…”
If you are a stay at home Mom! This is for you too! I was a stay at home Mom when my kids were little and it is a lot of work and I remember days of just hoping that I would be able to recall how to talk with adults if I ever had the opportunity to again. Finding creative ways to do the day in and day out without allowing it to become mundane and routine can be a challenge, but your calling is important to those little people, don’t allow Satan to rob you of that. Pray for God to help you sort out what is important and what is getting in the way of teaching them. Make sure you have some time with other Moms who share your heart for what you are doing.
Ecclesiastes 9:10a, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,” If God has called you to do what you are doing, right here, right now even if you know you aren’t in your actual calling in life, I would encourage you to give it all you’ve got! Ask Him for His vision in all that you do and the “best” will follow!
“It’s not where you start ~ it’s where you finish that counts.” Zig Ziglar