No Matter Where You Are ~ He’s Still Working On You

by | Jun 30, 2023

Philippians 1:6. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

So, where are you in life right now?  Have you found the success you have been working for and praying for?  Do you feel as though finally things seem to be in line for all that you felt called to do?  Are you wondering what happened to your call and it seems to have been washed away by the battering of one storm after the next until you aren’t even sure who you are, let alone what happened to those dreams and “calls” on your life?

No matter which scenario is yours, God isn’t finished with you yet!  If you are celebrating where you are, God isn’t finished with you.  He is constantly moving forward and He doesn’t want you to become complacent where you are so ask Him today what else He has for you to do.  If you are trying to weather the storm that has blindsided you ask Him  how you can grow through the storm in order to be more equipped to serve Him when it’s over.  It will be over!  Even though storms always seem as though they will never end, they do end and the sun will shine again and God has a plan for you!  He wants to take all of the ugliness that storms bring and He wants to make something beautiful out of it!  The only way for that to happen is for you to give it all to Him and allow Him to work in your life all the way through!  There are times when God allows a storm to come in order to help you grow.  There are things we only seem to learn in the storms of life and one of those is to trust Him!  Cling to Him and ask Him to show you what His dreams are for your life.  Ask Him to show you, whether you are on the mountain top or a hurricane of a storm, what His dreams and plans are. How can you better serve Him?  What’s next?  There’s always an “after this” coming, so what will your “after this” be?  

One of the goals God has for your life is for you to continually keep growing in your walk and relationship with Him.  God doesn’t want a “same ol, same ol” kind of relationship with you, He wants every day to be fresh and exciting as you grow closer to Him, learning to trust Him and seek Him with your whole heart!  Don’t settle!  On the mountaintop or in the valley ~ don’t settle for where you are in your walk with Him because He has more!  Get excited!  With God things are always changing and He is always working and He has more planned for you.  His desire is for you to walk so closely with Him that it is reflected in everything you do.  

Seek Him today and everyday with your whole heart knowing that He is still working out the plans He has for your life!  Trust Him, knowing that truly His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt