No More Fear

by | Feb 17, 2013

Psalm 91:5-6  You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

Is it possible to live without fear anxiety and frustration with our everyday lives?  Who lives that way?  Well, the first verses in this chapter say:  “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.”

If you are struggling today with fear and anxiety about life then it must be time to give those things to God and lean on Him and choose to dwell in His shelter.  We have a choice, we can choose to fear what might happen or we can give it to God and trust that He will do what is best for us and protect us.  Life can be overwhelming and we live at such a fast pace these days that one thing after the next can just pile up until we don’t which end is up.  There are things we bring on ourselves and we end up facing the consequences of some of that but giving it to God can still affect the outcome of that situation.  There were several examples of people in the Old Testament who would get in a mess, like Abraham telling rulers that his wife was his sister, or Jonah in the belly of the Great Fish and even though they made decisions that brought them to where they were God still delivered them so don’t lose heart in your situation today.

We are all facing things that we shouldn’t handle on our own and today the choice is yours to either dwell in your terror and frustration or to dwell in the shelter of the Most High.  Give it all to Him today without holding anything back including your fear of the situation.  Ask Him to give you the confidence and faith you need today and just take it one day at a time!

Quote:  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Franklin Delano Roosevelt