One Step Toward Building Your Faith

by | Mar 15, 2015

Psalm 50:14-15
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

I love a great time of praise and worship, especially when the worship leaders are so consumed with God that they forget themselves and just sing and praise God. There aren’t too many things that can just fill you with Him, like praising Him. It is really amazing how that works but if you totally lose yourself in worshipping God He can work in your heart and in your life. We have probably all been in a worship service where the leader of worship was so consumed with being heard that they either spent too much time talking or went off on too many crazy tangents that you couldn’t sing to and it makes a difference when it comes to how prepared you are for the service. God wants your praise and He wants your heart in all that you do!   We hear God better when He is our focus.  You will get God’s attention much faster by praising Him and being thankful to Him for all He is and all He has done than you will by constantly trying to be in His ear nagging Him because you aren’t happy!

In these verses God is telling us that we need to put first things first; offer your “sacrifice of thanksgiving”, in other words He understands that when you are in need it isn’t always going to be easy to stop and thank Him for all that you know He is and all that He has done. But, He also knows you well enough to know that as you take the time to make that sacrifice it will build your faith in Him! How can you doubt Him if you are praising Him and reminding yourself of who it is that you are talking to? You are talking with The God of All! The God who loves you and created everything, The God that all things exist because of Him! Next: Perform the promises you have said to God, are you called to be doing something that you have tossed by the wayside? What is it that you know you need to be doing for Him? Get it done! Then: You will call on the Lord in your day of trouble and He will hear you and deliver you and you will have something to really glorify Him for!

Take your eyes off yourself for a moment and worship and follow Him. It is not all about you, it is all about Him. He is the one who can and will deliver you! He is always your answer. You need to do your part and bring yourself to a place where you are focused on Him and you are doing what He has called you to do then watch as He comes through and delivers you and does all that He has promised to do. The best is yet to come so get started today by Thanking Him and praising Him for His answers that are on the way!

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers