No doubt it’s been an interesting 14 days as we gather together to raise funds for this new book that will reach out and encourage ladies. If you have already given, thank you. You have no idea just how much it has met to me to see family, friends and the Chocolate and God community support this new book. Just a quick reminder, no one will have their card charged if the goal is not reached. I would love to see a miracle happen today but that will rest in God’s hands.
My heart is to reach ladies for Christ. Thousands of ladies from dozens of countries read Chocolate and God on a weekly basis. I am so grateful that God has used this Bible study to reach so many women. I do believe a book would reach so many more and with your help we can see that happen. No doubt I’ll be watching the totals today, I am sure you will as well. The fundraiser will end at 3:00 PM EST today.
If you have been waiting to see if you are needed, the answer is yes. We’ll need some hero’s today in order to hit the $12,000 goal. The impact of hitting the goal will be felt around the world. Again, thank you so much for allowing God to use you today. You can CLICK HERE to read more information about this new book and to give. Thank you so much. The fundraiser is officially over today at 3:00pm EST. As of first thing this morning we are $10,000 a way from the goal. Maybe God is placing this amount on your heart. The nice thing about this book is it will always be in print and available through digital. You’ll be able to get this book in paperback, hard cover and digital. For years to come this book will be encouraging ladies in Christ and you can be apart of making that happen.
God bless,