Our Children

by | Apr 20, 2013

Proverbs 12: 24, 27   The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor.  Whoever is slothful will not roast his gave, but the diligent man will get precious wealth.

There seems to be a whole generation in which the majority of parents seem to be afraid to make their children work.  I greatly appreciate the school and preschool that my granddaughters attend, one of their requirements is for the kids to have chores around the house.  There is something about teaching children to work and serve others instead of always having everything taken care of for them and their being served.

I am appalled when I see the lack of work ethic in so many people today.  They work in the service industry and yet seemed annoyed with customers, how does that make any sense?  And then you have some customers who act like no matter what is done it is never enough and they are willing to lose their testimony with their behavior by being unreasonable and demanding.  What happened to just pure godliness?

Have you ever noticed that children who are taught to work hard are generally less depressed than those who are allowed to just “do their own thing”?  Children who sit around playing video games and watching tv are more likely to suffer from depression and poor attitudes than those who are physically active.  Children who have things that are expected from them tend to have better self esteem.  When we set a standard for things that are expected and goals to be achieved we build a better self esteem than we do when a child feels as though nothing is expected out of them.  When a child sees all that they can accomplish and they are striving for something it builds a better sense of self worth.

Ladies, we all have so much to do as it is, why set a standard of children watching it being done but never doing.  Satan has created a lie for parents these days where he has convinced parents that they are doing their children a disservice if they make them work or hold them responsible for attitudes, behaviors and actions.  We all feel better about ourselves when we accomplish goals we have set even if it is just a list of daily chores.  Today I am making chore lists for everyone in the house from the smallest to the biggest and my goal is to help them each learn to not just do a job but to do it in a way that they would be willing to put their name on it.

Quote:  “I found that the men and women who got to the top were those that did the jobs they had in hand with everything they had of energy, enthusiasm and hard work.”  Harry Truman