Rejoicing Comes From Following Him!

by | Jul 5, 2014

Nehemiah 8:17b
for from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day the people of Israel had not done so. And there was very great rejoicing.

Have you ever drifted from God or maybe just chose a lifestyle that you knew was not in line with all that you knew you should be doing, maybe you weren’t necessarily doing something wrong but you were still living in sin because you were neglecting things you knew you should be doing? It’s amazing to read this verse because at this point it had been many years since Joshua had led them into the promised land. In other words, it began with something they saw as “little” that they left out of their lives when it came to serving God. They didn’t build and live in booths as Moses had taught them during the Feast of the Seventh month and now after years of Israel turning their backs on God, they were rejoicing to be back to obeying Him on every level.

It is amazing how Satan can get you to stop doing something that seems like a little thing and thus begins the downhill slide. He is smart enough to understand that he isn’t just going to get you to turn your back on God overnight, or get you to lead your children in a life that turns them from God. It starts out little……. maybe it’s ok if we don’t have devotions at night with our children before bed, after all we are all so tired at that point….. maybe church isn’t so important in the Summer, after all we need to be able to do things as a family and enjoy the great weather…….. I’ve known this guy forever at work, maybe it’s ok if I just tell him a few things I am aggravated with my husband about, then I can get a “man’s opinion” on the situation to straighten things out. Don’t let your guard down for a minute! 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

There’s nothing like a day when you get things back in order the way God leads you to do things. I have been through those times when I was not where I should be and wasn’t going to church like I should have and when I went back and got involved again and joined a ladies Bible Study, the joy and peace that I felt was amazing! There’s just nothing like living the life you are supposed to live because that is where you will find God’s peace and joy!

If you want true success in life then this is how Joshua told the people of Israel that God said you can find it: Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law (The Word of God) shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

I would encourage you to follow God with your whole heart so you don’t have to just have these random times of rejoicing when you decide to get your heart right. You can have God’s success and joy and peace in all you do if you will just follow Him whole heartedly. Don’t give Satan a toe hold in your life or the lives of those you love! The best is yet to come!

“The longer we follow the right path the easier it becomes.” Anonymous