Seriously! It’s The Most Important Thing On Earth!

by | Mar 28, 2021

1 Timothy 2:5-6,  For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time.

The best, the most exciting, the most relevant, important, and the life-changing message we can and need to share is that Jesus came to earth, died on the cross, and rose from the grave, all so that we can spend eternity with Him.  It’s not complicated!  All we have to do is acknowledge that fact and accept that we need His forgiveness for sin (all of those things we do wrong) and ask Him to be the one who guides us all through the rest of our lives, to walk with us and speak to our hearts so we can live the lives we were created to live!

The world needs Jesus!  We can fuss and complain about all that is going on in the world, but what are we doing to show them Him?  Do you live a life that will draw others to Him?  Do the people around you know that He is a significant part of your life?  Do you have loved ones and even acquaintances that you know need Him that you pray for every day?  We all have things we can do in order to show the world, Jesus!  It begins by allowing Him to infiltrate every area of your life!  Ask Him to show you what you may be holding back that you don’t even realize?  Make a list of those people that you know who need Jesus and make sure that you take the time to pray for them every day.  Take the time to read His word and memorize it.  Ask Him to help you to be the light to everyone around you.  Dare to be different because His Spirit dwells within you!  Seek Him with your whole heart so others will see Him through you and be drawn to Him.  This is not a little thing!  Without Jesus, not only is the world a worse place but there are masses of people dying and going to Hell.  Not all of those people are seen as horrible people, they just don’t know Him!  You have the answer.  Live a life that matters in all of the lives you touch by drawing them to Him because you know that His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it doesn’t really matter.”  ~ Dick Nogleberg