Colossians 3:23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men
As I have said before, I love the Proverbs 31 woman and there is so much to learn from that chapter. I don’t look at it as condemning I see it as a challenge for each of us to be all we can be for our families and for the Lord. If you read it right you also see that she had the benefit of a hard working husband who was known throughout the area as well, so she wasn’t just on her own, she had the resources from what he did to help her do what she was doing so we need to be careful to not beat ourselves up over this “ideal” woman. Now that I have said that I can get to the point here; the “big” thing I feel God has laid on my heart to accomplish in all areas of my life that I am struggling with is getting organized in all that I do. Ugh! Do you have any idea how much time that takes?
Seriously, I am working on getting every area of our lives organized here and there’s a lot of “stuff” that includes. No matter how you look at it, organizing takes time and quite often money, but I will find a way to organize from one side of this house to the other including our finances. From the tiniest of things to the biggest of things we need to look at any task, even organizing as something we are doing as though we were doing it for the Lord.
So what is your, “whatever you do” this morning? Is there something that God has laid on your heart to put more effort into? Has He been prompting you to put your whole heart and soul into giving Him your all in some area of your life? If you are putting it off stop for a moment and ask yourself why. Why aren’t you diving in and doing it with everything you’ve got? The rewards are on the other side of doing!
I would like to challenge each and everyone of us to take this week and organize our thoughts and any area we need to organize to better serve God but most of all I want to challenge you to dig in and give God your all in whatever it is He is nudging you to move forward in. Do it heartily, not half heartedly but with all you’ve got! Don’t allow something that has you frustrated and depressed stop you, ask God to help you rise above life’s frustrations and circumstances and serve Him in all you do with all your heart. You will be amazed at how refreshed and energized you will feel! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Will Rogers