Stand Your Ground in Your Calling

by | Mar 20, 2013

Nehemiah 6:3  And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down.  Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you.”

Sanballat and Tobiah were trying everything they could to stop the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.  They taunted and jeered and threatened but Nehemiah kept the people focussed on what they were supposed to be doing instead of allowing fear to creep in and stop the work.

Satan will use every distraction imaginable to keep you from your calling.  Churches can even become distracted from what they are called to do.  It is so important that we all keep our eyes on God and focus on what God is telling us instead of what other people may be saying.  These two men were ruthless and persistent in their desire to stop the work of God going on in Jerusalem and you will find there are more just like them out there.

God’s purpose for your life is by far more important that the approval of other people.  He will give you all you need to do what He has asked you to do and He will give you the strength to ward off the determination of other people to stop the work.

Stop for a moment this morning and ask God if you are being too distracted by other things to accomplish all that He has for you to accomplish.  Focus on Him and don’t allow the noise of the world to distract you from what you are called to do.  God will accomplish His plan through you if you allow Him to.  Don’t miss out on all He has in store for you – fight the good fight of faith – the best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Beautiful light is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is often the strongest and best.”  R. Turnbull