Matthew 6:34. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Take one day at a time! We hear that but we seldom really seem to apply it. When you look at your job, your marriage, your finances, your children or maybe a sinful habit you are fighting do you take it one day at a time or do you try to fix things and times that haven’t come yet?
Think about the Israelites for a minute: when they finally did go into the land of promise God didn’t tell them about every battle they would face, they took one city at a time. They were overwhelmed easily enough as it was without thinking about every battle down the road they were going to face. They would have never made it if they were constantly thinking about: what’s next, how are we going to make it? They had to take one battle at a time and rely on the fact that God had it all planned out and they would have victory.
How about you this morning? Are you overwhelmed with your finances or maybe a relationship? Are you fearful of losing your job? I would encourage you to take it all one day at a time. Start today and do what you can today. Ask yourself; “what is one small thing I can do today to make a difference in this situation? Tomorrow do the same and if you have a situation that is able to be planned for a month at a time like finances then do what you can and then trust God for the rest. God just really burdened my heart this morning with the fact that the thing that discourages me the most from doing today what I can do is trying to figure out 4 or 5 months from now and that isn’t my job, it is His. When we try to take care of everything ourselves and we don’t have any areas that we give to Him to help us in then we act as though we don’t need Him and I don’t know about you but that is where my biggest messes come from. As I said, if I can’t figure out 5 months down the road I get discouraged and often don’t do anything about today because Satan convinces me that it’s just never going to work so why bother! That is just about the most ignorant thing I have ever done is “doing nothing today because I can’t fix tomorrow.”
So, let’s all begin today by giving it all to God and asking Him for direction in all the areas of our lives that we haven’t totally given to Him. Ask Him to give you the strength to do today what you can and to the best of your abilities allowing Him to work through you and to give you the strength you need to take one day at a time. Let Him plan for your future that seems uncertain, allow Him to work in that other person in your life, give Him your struggles with sin and expect Him to give you what you need day by day to have victory in every area of your life – starting today!
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King
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