Thank God We Have The Ability Because of His Spirit

by | Apr 21, 2024

Leviticus 5:4-6,  If someone allows to slip from his mouth an oath to do evil or to do good, and he doesn’t remember that he clearly spoke this oath, then, no matter what it was about, when he learns of it he is guilty. ….

If we had to follow the law and sacrifices how much more careful would we be?  When I read this it made me realize how lightly a lot of Christians take Jesus dying on the cross for all of these things.  I have had people throw a fit over my using Joshua 1:8 because they don’t want anything to do with the Law which is concerning because what standard do they want to live by? We are saved by grace and we are not under the law but Jesus said that He didn’t come to abolish the law and He said that our standard should actually be higher than the law because we have His Spirit living within us.  Too many people act as though “It’s all good because we live under grace.”  But that is not what it’s for!  We are not free to behave any way we choose because of grace ~ Grace should be what motivates us to live lives that honor Him!  Recognizing all He has done because of His love for us including dying for us because He knows we could never “keep the law” should fill our hearts with love for Him.  Have you ever done something for someone, or maybe you made something for them and then realized that while they were excited to get it they really didn’t take care of it in a way that you would expect because of all you put into it or what it cost you?  It would make you rather sad to think that it meant that little to them…

We serve a holy God who paid a very dear price in order to redeem us so we can spend eternity with Him!  He didn’t have to, He chose to because of His love for us and that should move in the hearts of all Christians to show their love by following His leading, not taking His love for granted.  That’s something many people can relate to ~ that feeling, the heartache of realizing that the person you love so dearly has taken your love for granted.  They were excited in the beginning of the relationship and said and did all of the right things but then it all gradually seemed to wear off or sometimes just a day or two after you got married and you realized that the love only seemed to flow in one direction. His love for us ~ His sacrifice ~ His mercy and grace should just cause our hearts to overflow with gratitude, love and the desire to honor Him in all that we say and do!  I know for many it does, but our world is a mess and more than ever our love and respect for God should be obvious in all that we say and do so others will be drawn to Him. They should be curious as to why you love Him the way you do. Remember ~ it is His Love, mercy, and grace that will draw others to Him and to live for Him, not beating them over the head with what you think needs to change in their lives. Be the example and love and guide and above all else pray for God to work in their lives and for their hearts to be open to His leading. Be there for them and when the time is right, if it ever is, God will give you the opportunity and the words to speak into their lives. There are times to speak in love and times to pour your heart out in prayer and wait. 

Don’t misunderstand, I am not suggesting we “ live by the Law” clearly that is not the way and I am not suggesting legalistic rules, I am saying that our lives should be full of the fruit of His Spirit living within us.  As it says in Galatians 5:18, “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Verses 19 -21 explain the life of someone living according to their own desires and verses 22-26 say, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.  And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with it’s passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”  

Let’s pray that God will help us rise up and be the examples we should be, living lives that are different because we are led by His Spirit and His love just flows out of us because we are overflowing with it!  Let’s make it our prayer every day that all that we say and do will draw others to Him and reflect our love and respect for Him!  May the Lord bless you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace, confidence, love and the ability to shine His love and mercy to everyone around you.  

Quote:  “All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”  ~ Helen Keller


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