Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What do you look for to fill you and meet your need for fulfillment? Do you look to your job, your spouse, your “things”? What is it that you do your best to nurture and lean on to make you feel fulfilled?
I remember when I was a single Mom for quite some time I poured myself into my work and thought I was fulfilled in the job I was doing. The problem with that was that my work would drop off dramatically around the middle of March for a month or so and I would find myself somewhat depressed until I could dig back in preparing for the next season and then the real change came when God called me to leave that job and do Youth Ministry.
I have news for you: “Ladies and Gentlemen!” You will never find fulfillment outside of God! God never meant for your job to totally fulfill you and He certainly never meant for another person to be able to meet all of your emotional needs! That hole that needs to be filled in your life can only be filled by God! No matter how many things you have, no matter how great your job is and how well you do it, no matter who you are married to….. those things and people are never meant to be what fills your life so you feel complete. You will only feel complete in Him and the rest of these things are meant to be ‘icing on the cake’!
God wants to fill your emotional needs, He wants to fill you with joy and peace so you can abound in hope. If you are looking for something else to fill you with these things, Stop It! Pour yourself into seeking God and allowing Him to fill you with Him. God loves you and desires a close relationship with you that is why the “hole” is there, it is there to create a need for Him in your life! If you have been looking for something else to fill that hole in your life I would encourage you to turn to God today and ask Him to show you how to make the change you need to make so you can truly be filled by Him!
“If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” Dick Nogleberg