The Battle Is Spiritual…Is Your Armor On!

by | May 31, 2024

Ephesians 6: 10-12,  Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  

So, the world is upside down backward, and crazy, but you have a choice to be strong in your faith. The battle is spiritual and God has equipped you, but it is your choice whether or not you will arm yourself with all that He is giving you.  This is a time to be spending serious time on our knees.  The battle is very real and it is our responsibility to take it all to God and to allow Him to reveal in and through us His power and love.  We need to be more concerned about sharing the gospel so others will come to know Him!  We need to be on our knees and in His Word.    

As it says in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  Every day we have a choice though of whether or not we will walk in that or fear, hate, anger, and self-indulgence.  When you accept Jesus as your Savior His spirit lives in you which will empower you to do what is right, but He will not force you to.  Choose wisely.  You know that satan is out to destroy you and those you love, so the choice should be simple but satan will give you every reason to believe his lies.  Don’t buy them, tell him, “Not today satan!”  God’s got you and He will see you through if you give it all to Him!  He wants to shine through your life, but you must choose Him and His armor!  He will give you the strength to stand strong in whatever He calls you to.  

Don’t get caught up in the craziness that is going on, keep your eyes fixed on Him!  Have you ever gone on a carriage ride?  If you take a good look at the horses they usually have “blinders” on which are small leather squares that are attached to their bridle.  Blinders are used to enhance concentration keeping the horse focused on the task ahead.  Blinders reduce visual distractions from behind the horse and also to the sides.  It typically makes a huge difference in the performance of the horse when racing or driving horses. Horses don’t get spooked as easily if they aren’t distracted by everything going on around them.  That is how we need to be in our walk with God when everything is so crazy around us.  We need to keep our eyes fixed on Him, asking Him for the wisdom we need to do what He is asking us to do and to be a godly example.  That doesn’t mean that we are unaware of what is going on, it means that we are so focused on Him that He is what is affecting us, not the storm waging around us. 

Start today by taking every thought captive as it says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 and asking God to guide you in all that you do.  Trust Him!  He loves you and He has a plan!  Take the time to just be still and focus on Him.  Allow Him to give you His peace and wisdom for all that you may be facing, knowing that truly His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”  ~ Hugh Downs