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Luke 2: 10 – 12, But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
This isn’t just good news, this is the best news ever! Jesus came to earth to be our Savior! Have you thought about where you would be without Him? I don’t know how people live in this world today without Him! Without being able to pray to our God would make life seem so hopeless, it is no wonder people are so confused out there and angry! There’s so much anxiety and depression and anger that people are raging crazy people often over the smallest things. Of course, they are, they don’t have hope! We have the best news ever and it is our responsibility to share it with everyone!
The world needs to know that God loves them! We need to be missionaries wherever we are, sharing His love and being the difference. We should be standing up for what is right and standing against what is wrong and doing it in love. My daughter-in-law called me yesterday, shocked that other Christians were attacking my post about the fact that I canceled Netflix because of the heinous movie that they have slandering Jesus. I wasn’t saying everyone else needed to, I was just stating that we were and that when I called Netflix to see if they were thinking about removing it because of the petition signed by almost 2 million people, they said, “NO, if you don’t like it, just don’t watch it.” That is their right to take that stand and it is my right to cancel my subscription, but it was odd that other Christians were attacking the fact that I said it.
Some anger just doesn’t make sense these days because satan is working overtime, but Christians need to become bolder in their stands for right and wrong. How else will the world know what we believe in matters? We need to do it all with love and kindness too. We will stand before God one day (and I am thinking that day could be very soon) and answer for it all. We can take a stand, without losing our testimony.
It is not God’s desire for anyone to die in their sin. He loves them and He wants them to know that there is hope! What can you do during this Christmas season to spread His love and hope? You may not be able to do anything financially, but you can always just show kindness and love, even in the grocery store. Don’t worry if someone cuts in line at check out, just see it as a God pause, maybe He is saving you from something worse! Maybe that person behind you or the one who cut in front of you needs hope and kindness today. Choose to be His hands and feet today. If you are struggling in the storms of life, remember that there’s still hope. God loves you and sees every tear you have cried and He is working behind the scenes and He will bring every promise to pass. He will see you through, so don’t live as the world does with no hope, put all of your hope and faith in your Heavenly Father because nothing is too difficult for Him! Truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg
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