There Are Really Only Two Choices… Whom Will You Choose?

by | Oct 28, 2023

John 6:67-69,  So Jesus said to the Twelve, “Don’t you want to leave too?”  Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom would we go?  You have the words of eternal life.  We have trusted, and we know that you are the Holy One of God.”  

The more I read about Peter the more I realize just how much we are all so much like him.  He had great moments like this when he knew that he knew that Jesus was the answer and then he denied him out of fear of other people, and he even tried to tell Jesus what He should do and tried to correct what Jesus said.  Peter was very real and there were times throughout his journey in life that he obviously was a little rough around the edges but he loved Jesus to the point of dying as a martyr by being hung upside down on a cross because he felt unworthy to be hung in the same manner Jesus was and that is beyond what most any of us can possibly imagine!

The point is that even though Peter wasn’t perfect because no one on earth is, he knew there was no other answer other than Jesus! Yes, his faith wavered for a bit there when he denied Jesus but he picked himself back up and served God with everything in Him and that is what we are called to do!  Wherever you are in life I would encourage you to pick yourself up (that doesn’t mean you aren’t serving God) and serve Him in whatever you do with your whole heart!  As you read the Old Testament you realize that when Israel was following God their whole life was wrapped up in Him.  No matter what they were doing they wanted to do it in a way that brought glory to God and every time they turned away from God they were brought back to knowing that their only answer was God.  I have seen so many people who are frustrated because they are going through storms or the wilderness of life and they decide to go their own way because God hasn’t done things their way or in their timing … I have watched and it doesn’t work! As Peter said, “Lord, to whom would we go?  You have the word of eternal life.”  Do you realize that there are only two you can follow because to turn your back on God is to follow satan because that is what satan wants us to do, just give up and do your own thing.

Life is not easy on this earth but think about eternity; think about seeing Him face to face… Choose to trust Him even though you can’t see what He is doing and even though none of it makes sense to you right now.  A lot of times we don’t fully know just how strongly we believe until that belief is tested.  What do you do when you get blindsided and your whole world gets flipped upside down?  Will those around you see you fall into Jesus’ arms or will they see you get angry and push Him away?  Peace, comfort, healing, rest, strength, hope, and perseverance all come from Him ~ He has the Words you need.  He has a plan!  Trust Him!  He didn’t bring you this far to only bring you this far, but He has allowed this moment (yes, it isn’t here to stay, it came to pass) because He knows that if you trust you will come through this in a way that will show the power of God.  He allowed Job to be tested because He knew Job had it in him to not turn his back on God and then He blessed Job beyond measure.  It’s in the tough times that we grow if we will seek His face.  There isn’t a verse in the Bible that will tell you that getting angry with God is okay or beneficial.  We are called to trust Him and walk with Him in all that we do.  So, keep your eyes on the goal of eternity and allow every challenge you face to make you stronger in your walk with Him.  

If this isn’t something you are struggling with today but you know of someone who is going through the fire and you know they are discouraged and down please reach out an encourage them and if there’s something within your power to do then do it. Be the hands and feet of Jesus because believe me satan is sending people with all of the wrong answers to those people. It is shocking how often when someone is hurting or struggling that the people who show up are headed in the wrong direction ~ let’s change that and lets look for the opportunity to lift each other up!

Quote:  “We are free up to the point of choice; then the choice controls the chooser.” ~ Mary Crowley