Joshua 1:3
I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
How much has God already given you that you are afraid to take? Do you struggle in some area of your life that God has said you can and should have victory in if you have given it to Him? You have read every book and studied until you just can’t study any more but you still don’t feel qualified to do what you feel you are called to do. Your relationship with that family member or old friend has been torn apart for years and you pray and pray about it just waiting for God to move and guess what – it’s you, you need to move on it!
Ladies let’s face it, we can think things absolutely to death! We can go over and over something until we have thought about it from every angle there could possibly be plus a few more and then in the process instead of hearing God’s voice on the situation we sit and tremble in fear of failure or we get so angry we can’t see straight and our victory is sitting right in front of us. Don’t over analyze the situation! Pray about it, give it to God and then allow Him to show you the way through.
Whether it is a call you feel God has on your life or an addiction or maybe a relationship or a hearts desire you must choose to step out in faith! When you step out in faith there is always some fear, we may want to be bold and confident but that just isn’t always the case. Faith is trusting God and stepping out in spite of the way things look. You can’t wait for all of the confident feelings to come along for you to step out in faith, it just doesn’t work that way. Claim the ground God has promised you today. Don’t allow Satan’s lies to hold you back. God’s plan for your life is for you to have victory to give you a hope and a future so start living in that today. What are you waiting for?
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” Adrian Rogers