1 Samuel 23:16-17 And Jonathon Saul’s son arose and went to David into the woods and strengthened his hand in God. And he said to him, “Fear not: for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you; and you shall be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto you; and that also Saul my father knoweth.”
Jonathon, being the king’s son could have taken a very different attitude toward David but Jonathon had the type of relationship with God that allowed him to love David and want God’s best for David. It would be no small thing to know that David was taking your place as King over Israel but Jonathon didn’t allow that fact to keep him following God himself and supporting David. Saul was a very bitter jealous man and desperately wanted revenge on David for God’s blessing on his life. Which one are you?
Is there someone in your life that you need to seek out to encourage them in God? Maybe there is someone who you know is struggling this time of the year due to a loss in their life that makes the holidays hard to bear at times. Maybe there’s someone who just needs that extra push to go for it and do the will of God! The greatest gift you may be able to give someone is the gift of encouragement and support and what better way is there to show the love of Christ for Christmas?
If there is someone in your life that you know you should be encouraging but you hold resentment or jealousy toward them for what they have or what they are called to do then ask God for His help to let all of that go to be the woman of God He has called you to be in this situation. Jealousy has never one any prizes when it comes to showing God’s love.
I would encourage you to look around and ask God to show you someone you can be an encouragement to this season. It could even be an elderly person who has served all their life and they seem to be a pillar of strength but deep down they just need an act of kindness this year to remind them of just how much God cares and loves them.
Quote: “He climbs highest who helps another up.” George Matthew Adams