To Truly Experience God’s Best ~You Must Get To Know Him

by | Jan 24, 2022

Jeremiah 29:13,  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

In other words, when you are on a mission to know Him, you will see who He is and just how much He loves you!  In any relationship, it takes really getting to know someone in order to have a great relationship.  It takes communication and effort to know that person.  We all want to be seen and known and He sees you and He knows you better than you know yourself.  How well do you know Him?  Is He someone you keep at arm’s length thinking a little knowledge of who He is will be enough or are you ready to really dig in and get to know Him?  How strange is it that the God of all wants us to fully know Him and He has given us the tools to do so and yet too often people are too consumed with everything but Him and yet want His best for their life?  He wants to walk with you and that takes getting to know Him.

There’s so much hurt, anger, and pain in the world and you don’t have to face it alone!  You don’t have to live in fear.  He wants to heal your broken heart.  He wants to help you overcome any addiction or struggles in your life.  He wants to help you become all He created you to be so others will see and will be drawn to Him.  He has a plan for your life as it says in Jeremiah 29:11, but you can’t live in your past, or in your hurts, or consumed with what someone around you is doing, you have to follow and trust Him!  God sees!  He sees you, and your tears have not escaped His notice!  Your frustrations are known and He cares and wants to heal your heart and be your vindicator.  Give it all to Him and allow Him to work in your heart so you can be and do what you were created to do.  As you get to know Him more and His love for you then your faith and trust will grow.  You can’t really trust someone you don’t even know.  If you want more faith then you must get to know Him more and as you seek Him He will show you more of who He is and more of His plan for your life and then you will find that truly His best is yet to come!

Quote:  The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”