Psalm 115:11
You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield.
I am doing my best to make it my early morning practice to begin my day by praising God for who and all that He is, it is amazing how much it changes my perspective on life and anything I am facing when I remember first thing how mighty the God is that loves us and that we serve! To begin every prayer by praising Him for who He is, not only blesses Him, it increases your faith.
What are you facing today that just seems to be a lost cause? Is it your marriage, or your finances or a child that has gone their own way? Whatever it is don’t lose hope! God wants to heal your marriage, your finances, and your children and whatever else you may be facing today! Marriage was not meant to be drudgery, your finances were not meant to be a mess and your children are meant to come back to the way they were raised. God is a god of all hope, a healer, a giver of all good things, He wants your children to grow up and serve Him even more than you do, he wants your marriage to be a shining example to others.
God wants to be your help and your shield today! He wants you to seek him, reverence Him for who He is and He wants you to trust Him. God is a god of power and He loves to show Himself to be the mighty God that He can be in your life if you will just have the faith to believe He will come through for you.
If you go back a few verses in this chapter verses 2 and 3 say, “why should the nations say, “where is their God?” “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.” Satan is the one who brings on the thoughts of “where is God.” He wants you to doubt instead of going after all that God has planned for you! God wants victory in your life because without it others will ask “where is your God?”
Ok, so where can you start? Start right now by bowing your head and taking a few minutes to praise God for who He is, if you are at work don’t let that be your excuse go to the closet or bathroom and take a minute and praise Him for every quality you can think of that He has! Once you have done that you will find your outlook will change if it hasn’t then go back to the closet until it does! Turn on some praise and worship music! Then take the time to ask God what you can do on your end to bring it to pass, don’t take over the situation – give it all to Him and ask Him how you can help your situation. If you are married and having struggles you may need to take the first step in putting aside your hurt and frustrations and making the first move and or seek out a Christian marriage counselor. If it is your finances maybe you need to check out the money couple at www.the If it is someone like a child or a friend that you are worried about maybe you just need to put forth more effort to pray for them and ask God to show you how you can help; sometimes you just have to get out of God’s way with others and pray. Expect God to move, refuse Satan’s lies and allow God to show you His faithfulness and His healing power in your situation!
My prayer for you today is taken from verses 14 and 15;
“May the Lord give you increase, you and your children! May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Amen!
“People were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” Zig Ziglar
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Dear Janet,
What an awesome message and prayer for the day! And, may the Lord give you increase and may you and your family be blessed! <3 PTL!!