Wait For God’s Best

by | Mar 6, 2014

2 Chronicles 16:9   For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.  

God hasn’t forgotten you!  He is working out His plan be patient and wait on Him.  Waiting is the most difficult thing to do at times but don’t lose heart.  If you are following Him and you are truly seeking Him and His will for your life, your answer is just around the bend, don’t give up!  God’s best takes time so it is vital that you don’t bolt ahead to do it yourself be patient and wait for His timing.

Sometimes God’s timing for you may include other people and He may be working on them.  He does have your best interest at heart and He will bring it to pass all He asks is that you stay on track and wait for Him.  If you are waiting on a husband you certainly don’t want him until he is ready and God has brought him to the point he needs to be, whatever it is you are waiting on trust God that His timing is perfect and He knows what is best.

Bill and I were talking at dinner one night about how easy it can be to get off the path God has for you by doing your own thing either because of rebellion or sometimes it can just be because you don’t want to wait, or you are running from something.  Either way, you may take one step off God’s path for your life but it may take you a while on that detour you have decided to take to get back to God’s path and blessing for your life.  Don’t take the reins from God to do it yourself, allow Him to guide and work to bring it all to pass.  You are closer than you think so take heart and get ready!

Quote:   “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.”  Dick Nogleberg


  1. Michele

    Nice. Thanks!

  2. Angi Scoggin

    This is exactly what I needed today. God gave me the gift of patience but even sometimes being patient is extremely difficult.

  3. Carol R

    Thank you Janet for that HUGE encouragement to WAIT whether or not we can see God working. I believe that He has given me a vision of deliverance and I’m hoping in that and a better life so I love your theme of “the best is yet to come”. Very needed words when you’re waiting…

  4. Lisa

    This has blessed my night. Thank you so much for posting it and taking time to write from your heart- it is so good to receive these daily reminders of God’s Word. Blessings to you in return..