What do you think of yourself? Do you get up in the morning and think; I am fearfully and wonderfully made? I know I don’t always feel that way, in fact, some mornings I look in the mirror and think it’s fearful alright! Our self-talk truly has an effect on our success in life. What we think of ourselves plays a huge role in everything we do. If we have a healthy self-esteem, we treat all of the people around us better. We have more confidence in our marriage and friendships we are more likely to pass along a healthy self-esteem to our children.
I would think it is rather offensive to God to hear people talking down about themselves when He created them! When you stop and think about how much nicer it is when you are at work to have someone come up to you and tell you what a great job you have done than it is to have them say, “wow, that is really awful, you did that?” We are God’s handy work! We are not a mistake, we are beautiful and we are wonderfully made! Who do you love? How does it make you feel when they are down and they talk bad about themselves? God hurts for you when you don’t feel good about yourself! He made you gorgeous! Don’t let anyone tell you different. Satan hates women because God made us beautiful so he often uses other people to try to drag us down or he is good at whispering little ditties in our ears to say, “you aren’t quite enough”. They are all lies and do not make an agreement with him! Focus on what the Bible says about you: “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” And in Luke 1:28 “Good morning! You are beautiful with God’s beauty, beautiful inside and out.”
Don’t waste any time, we all have areas we could improve how we talk to ourselves. So, whatever lies you have been believing about yourself, I would challenge you to write down a truth to replace that lie. If there is something you are working toward in your personal life such as being a better friend, wife, mom, businesswoman etc., claim it and start telling yourself, “I am a great Mom” or “I am a professional business woman” Start praying and claiming the good and the positive about yourself, it will help you become all you can be for God by breaking down those walls of low self-confidence!
Finally, ladies, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” -Eleanor Roosevelt
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