What Are You Meditating On?

by | Aug 22, 2021

Joshua 1:8-9, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  

What better way to remind yourself of the fact that you don’t ever have to face life alone than to keep the Word of God in your heart and mind.  Sad to say, there doesn’t seem to be as much focus on memorizing the Word of God anymore, in fact, too many people don’t even read their Bibles themselves or to their children. If you memorize verses it will encourage you and they will come to mind when you are in need of them, whether it is because you need the encouragement or someone around you needs to know Him.  Your strength and confidence will grow as you instill His Words in your heart and mind.

Reading Bible stories to your children to teach them about God is something that will help instill it in them and give them a desire to continue when they are older.  Start young, or if they are no longer young but still live in your home, start now!  Reading a Bible story before bed is a great way to help them settle down and it pours the Words of God into their minds just before they are falling asleep, it is better than a movie or playing video games until they are too tired to stay awake.  Take advantage of the time you have.  You wouldn’t dream of missing your child’s sports practices or games and this is even more important, so take the time to add it into your day.  Don’t allow satan to win the battle for your children ~ fight for them!  If you are single, and you love children maybe you can volunteer to help with the children’s program at church and see if they may be interested in starting a memorization program with the kids and just keep it simple.

Maybe you can start memorizing verses as a family.  Choose a verse that will be simple for everyone to learn and give it a week or two of memorizing it together.  Say it together at the dinner table before you all get up from the table or before bed or in the morning, or all of the above.  If you are single, how about getting a friend or two to take the challenge and start memorizing verses.  It is more important than we seem to think these days.  

Keep God’s Word close and take the time to start memorizing it today.  It doesn’t matter if it takes you weeks to memorize one verse!  The important thing is to do it.  Spend time reading and meditating on His word, don’t neglect that time with Him.  You will grow in your walk with Him and your faith and trust will grow as you spend more time with Him!

Quote:  “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”  ~ Will Rogers



    Good morning. I am so excited about becoming apart of this group. I love the word that was given today. I am learning about Gods word everyday. This right here reminds me to spend more time with my grandchildren in the word. Pray for me and I will pray for all of you.

    • Janet Scott

      I am so glad you have joined us! Have a blessed week! ~ Janet