Proverbs 31:30-31
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.
Ok Ladies, so what would you rather be known as; charming, beautiful or a woman who fears God? Our culture’s focus is that women are to be beautiful and charming to the point that we have women starving themselves to death to feel as though they are achieving something acceptable. I have met way too many women who feel it is so necessary to be “charming” that they lie to other women and then say ugly things about them behind their backs. As “Thumper’s Dad” (from the movie Bambi) says, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all!”
I don’t know about you, but I am tired of having to try to figure out where other women are coming from! For Pete’s sake, either say what you mean or don’t say anything and if you are going to say what you mean, you better run it by God first! Matthew 12:36 says, “But I say to you that for every idle word you may speak, you will give account of it in the day of judgment.” That is a pretty serious verse right there! Hmmmmm…… I would say that covers; gossip, trying to be ‘charming’ by saying things you don’t mean’, using your words to tear someone else down, (how do you talk to your spouse and children) and any other useless words we may say.
As ladies who love the Lord, we need to be careful with our words. Be honest, don’t say things because you think it makes you look good, maybe it is best to just say nothing at all if you aren’t sure what to say. Make sure that your words are seasoned with God’s love. We need to always keep in mind that ours isn’t the only ‘wounded heart’ out there, that woman you just cut to the chase probably has a wounded heart of her own, that lady that you and your friends have spent time taking apart, could be hurting beyond anything you may comprehend, if you are going to say “bless your heart” to her, you better mean it because God is watching and you will answer for the words you speak. As my Dad always used to tell me, “think twice before you say anything!”
We need to be ladies who have hearts after God. We need to become all we can be for Him and that will take truly looking inside to see what we are doing that is not at all pleasing to Him. God loves you and wants you to be all you can be for Him. If you want to be affective for Him it will start with being able to be trusted by others as well as God. You can’t talk out of both sides of your mouth and have anyone trust you. True beauty comes from within, all the makeup in the world can’t change an ugly heart!
This is a serious issue ladies that I see all over the country; we have some areas of the country where it is best to sugar coat everything and they are proud of that, even though no one knows what to believe that is being said. And then we have other parts of the country where women pride themselves in being able to talk like a man and being able to tear others apart with their words ~ what do you really think out of any of that appeals to God? We have a Holy and Just God who must look down at times and just shake His head saying, “what is wrong with them and their mouths?”.
What do you want to be known for? I want to be known as a woman who fears God, a woman who loves the Lord with my whole heart, a woman whose words are true. Let’s walk this out together Ladies! Take a look around and ask God to show you what areas you may need to work on, grab a good friend and ask her to walk this out with you. Let’s set a new standard for how we talk to and treat others! We need to honor God in all that we do and let’s begin today with our words!
“If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” Dick Nogleberg