2 Corinthians 1:20. For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory.
The answers to all of our struggles, heartaches, and challenges in life are found in Him and His “Yes”. Have you positioned yourself to receive His promises for your life? Remember Zacchaeus, he climbed a tree in order to see Jesus? How about Mary, it angered her sister, but she chose to sit at Jesus’ feet in order to absorb every word He had to say!
So often we all find ourselves pouring out our hearts to God telling Him everything we need Him to do but we forget to stop for a moment to allow Him to speak into our lives! I know life is crazy busy during the holidays and just before a new year, but I would encourage you to take the time to have an encounter with God! Cherish your quiet time with Him! Even if you start with just locking yourself in your room or even the bathroom for just 10 minutes and ask Him, “what is on your heart today Lord? What are your dreams of how my life should go?” Go ahead and pour your heart out to Him as well, but take the time to listen. Ask Him to show you anything in your life that needs to go or that needs to be added. Ask Him what you might be able to do different in the coming year to serve Him better. Ask Him for His heart for other people!
You will find that the greatest blessings in life are found in Him and they are found by keeping your “yes” on the table. What is He asking you to do today that will draw you closer to Him? He loves you more than words can say and your heartaches, struggles, and frustrations matter to Him! He wants to walk through life with you and He wants to be the difference in your life that will draw others to Him! He will heal your broken heart, He has promised! Take Him at His Word and trust Him to see you through anything you may be facing or that you will face! He loves you and He has a plan so make sure you are positioning yourself to follow HIm. Seek Him with your whole heart today! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” ~ Will Rogers
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE